Just for Fun

Belly Dancers are a blast to be with.  Fascinating, fun, funny, and spontaneous;  can it get any better than that?  You have to be pretty easy going to make it through bizarre costume malfunctions, crazy music miscues, missteps (mostly mine), last minute choreography changes, wonky props, wobbly, uneven or gooey stages.

These ladies are the strongest people I know and they have the fullest most amazing lives.  They volunteer, play hockey, paint, sculpt, sing, fence, play trumpets, pianos, drums and zills, make their own soap, run the local open mike night, write for the local paper, throw axes for accuracy, earn their PhD, make puppets, volunteer, blog, travel, run marathons in tutus, teach cooking, compete in mixed martial arts contests, surf in Costa Rica, teach ju jutsu, earn their blackbelt, and raise strong, confident children.  Seven own their own businesses, one speaks four languages, some have lived overseas.  We have more photographers and artists than your local art exhibit and enough degrees to form a small faculty.  Hanging with these chicks needs to be on your bucket list!

Here are a few fun pictures and some fabulous quotes from Eves and friends.  Enjoy! 

 Fabulous Belly Dancer Quotes & Pics

"Can you pass me my horns and my purse?" ..... Val

"I don't know if I want to put on the orgasm yet..." ..... Allison

"Ding.  Ding.  DING!  Dingdingdingdingding!" ..... April attempting to "sing" her zill part

"I'm doing it wrong?" "Yeah, but that's because you were watching me!" ..... Angela & Val

"Dancing with something on your feet is like sex with a condom on" ..... Val

"Take off your pants!!" ..... Val to Laureen who became the only person we know to wear a shirt on her legs...


"It's your turn to be short.  I was short last week".....  Jen


"GAK!!!!"..... Heather, when she became the only dancer we know of to be attacked by a skirt. 

"The Black Belts have asked for a whip defense class.".....  Jim, our patient, long suffering landlord and owner of the dojo where we practice among other things our belly dancing whip piece.


"Come over, I have a really really big bed." ..........  Allison


"So this is bum telepathy?"..... Andreya


"Oh my god, it's like snakes in there!"  ..... Julia, who asked to put her hands on my hips so she could feel what muscles were active in a dance move.


"I can't not wear black: ...... Maria


"My neighbors have noticed me practicing my whip outside"  ....  Jen....really?  (and the practice shows, Jen is our best whip cracker!) 

It's 'Goth-Elvis'.......  Janet about our costuming plans 


"Alcohol and Axes!  yay!!...... Shimmy Kimmy Cocoa Puffs


"So you dance with that sword on your head?"..........  "Why?".......  Elizabeth, daughter of one of our favorite teachers, Anne of Framlingham


"Exit sign!!!  Exit SIGN!!""......... Nan, another of our favorite teachers, when she saw me doing my signature windmill sword move a litttttle too close to that exit sign - thank you Nan! 

 "I'm staying home to build a pirate ship with my husband.  We always wanted one".... April.  Ha, and you thought you had fascinating friends!


"Isn't that our music?????"  .....  Paulette when they started our music early - we were off stage.


"I would not get married again.  I'd just buy more batteries...."  Christina, oh la la!


"I can't wait to rock this piece!"  ......  April, don't you just love it!!


"I can't concentrate, I'm mesmerized by your bra".... Paulette - well Hello!!


"Wow.........nice.....top....."  a fan?


"Studying is way way more fun than sex.  Just thinking about getting an A makes my eyes roll up".....  Amy (sorry, it's hard to put this comment in context.....


"With small stature comes great responsibility"... Amy


"Oh oh, fingers all over the floor again....."  you know, it would be way easier to keep those Thai fingernails on if the dance was completely still.... 

"Pants!  pants!!!! PANTS!!!!!"........ Maria (thank you!) 


"Can I practice painting harquis (black tribal facial tattoos) on you?"....... Rach, about an hour before I was pulled over by Amesbury's finest (who immediately called for backup).


"The Eve's style is a little more, um,  'dramatic"".......  Missy, our best diplomat!


"Cool!"......  Laureen, when I said the whip's cracker travels at mach 3 and can sear human flesh.  Gotta love that enthusiasm!

"Yes, I'm sure they are staring at your shoes"....... Rebecca

"Think about all the vitamin C you are getting".........  Rosie when offering you another of her famous cocktails 


"So on this part I just freak in place?"......  Rosie


"Does all that wiggling hurt?"..... Dad


"%#@&|   Z Step!"  .........  Paulette, about her favorite dance combination :-)


"This is like ordering off some freakish international menu"  .......  Our friend Laa, about our list of dance combinations.


"I love being here.  You make me feel normal".......  Jen


"If this formation were any closer I'd be breast feeding"...... Val

"I'm short this week?"....... Laureen


"I've always been very attracted to things with tentacles":.... Janet


 "I don't know what alarms me more, that you have a mouse that looks like Stalin, or that you think of Stalin as 'Uncle Joe'."... Lis when I told her I had 2 mice in the attic I had named Alyousius and Uncle Joe.


"That is my spare travel cauldron"........  Janet


"The faces are the best part to eat."  ........  Amy, about my cat catching mice and leaving only the bums


"Emma, I'm standing still"........ Val, after Emma said 'don't give up, I can really see your shimmy - keep trying!'  We love you and miss our eternally encouraging Emma, first teacher for many of us a very, very long time ago.


"Can you say that part again?"........  Lil Kim, when I told her the straps on the top she was wearing in the belly dance fashion show were barbed wire

"I'll follow you"........  Rebecca (we did find her again.....eventually)


"Who ARE you people?".......  a 'fan'


"You sure go to alot of weddings"...... my neighbor regarding my costume.  I have to ask, is this what you wear to a wedding?


"I met my husband in a funeral home".......  bitter trish 

"So, NONE of you are Lebanese?".........a fan 


"Can I touch your sword if I let you hold Joey (a stuffed rabbit)?"......a very little fan


"Is this Kabuki?"  ..........a fan who doesn't see much belly dance


"We really like your laundry, it jingles."  ...........my dry cleaner


"Tell me again what you do with this (sword)".....  Officer Rabinowicz


"Nice uniforms"..... a fan

"Who thought it was a good idea to give me a glue gun?"......... Heather 


"I collect serial killer trading cards"...... bitter trish


"We don't book space to people like you"......a future fan


Small dogs could jump through the hoops on those earrings.

            No, - big dogs....."  Jayne


"We had trouble cleaning your religious robes"......  my drycleaner (What church do you think they attend?)

"Are you all Hungarian?".......  a fan who has not been to Hungary lately :-) 

Photo by Peter Paradise

Above photo by Peter Paradise 

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